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Anti Aging Beauty Tips

Dear Reader,

Did you know most of the cells making up our body are actually bacteria? As a physician specializing in allergies, asthma and immunology, several years ago I began learning about the human microbiome – the trillions of microbes that live in harmony on our bodies’ surfaces, from our intestines to our skin. Because these friendly microbes have biological benefits required for healthy skin, it makes good sense for us to care about our microbiomes.

Healthy skin microbiomes help our bodies fight the many factors that contribute to skin aging and wrinkling. Environmental toxins and disease can damage the skin, weakening its ability to repair itself. UV radiation in sunlight causes age spots and wrinkles. The skin keratin and moisture contained naturally within the skin reduce with age, causing sagging and wrinkles. BioEsse Probiotic Skin Care products can help! BioEsse is a natural, elegant, effective anti aging healthy-skin solution. Qi ProBiomics, the active ingredient in BioEsse products, can help keep your skin as smooth, strong and beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside!


Eva A. Berkes, MD
Chief Scientific Officer
Quorum Innovations


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Find Your Balance:
Benefits of probiotics while taking antibiotics

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Benefits of Using a Konjac Sponge

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The Damages of Pollution on Your Skin

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Natural Relief from Red, Blotchy Skin

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Fab Over Fifty Coverage of the BioEsse Probiotic Skincare System

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Three things you’ll notice immediately after taking probiotics

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Holiday gift ideas for Mom and Grandma: Natural skin care products they will love!

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The 5 Worst Chemicals in Beauty Products

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How sleep affects your microbiome

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Skin Treatments for Women Over 40

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The Benefits of Probiotics

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Anti-Aging and Probiotics

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6 Super foods that promote healthy, youthful skin

As the old adage goes, you are what you eat! For decades we have known that the quality of our food has a direct link to our general health, our energy levels and mood, metabolism and even the quality of our complexion. Here are six nutrient-packed foods that help to restore and protect our natural glow from free radicals and other substances that damage collagen and cause premature aging. Salmon Not only has salmon been linked to killing various types of cancerous cells, the levels of omega-3 fatty acids have an exceptional ability to keep your skin supple and glowing. Try to consume wild caught salmon twice to three times a week for optimal results. Walnuts Similarly to the benefits...

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3 Natural Ways to Protect Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin can be a chronic issue that millions of Americans suffer with for years of their lives. Sensitive skin can be painful, and uncomfortable both physically and emotionally. Sufferers mention rashes, painful reactions to cosmetics, flaking, acne and other issues as common discomforts they must deal with every day. While the outward appearance of these symptoms can be embarrassing, they can be treated over time with some natural remedies. Here are three natural ways to protect sensitive skin. Avoid products with chemicals Read the labels very carefully on any soaps, moisturizers or products you apply directly onto the skin. Not only does the skin absorb the contents of these products, but many anti-bacterial products dry out the skin further,...

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Your Skin and Probiotics

Your skin is the largest organ on your body, making it one of the most obvious indicators of your overall health. And you shouldn’t ignore its warning signs. Wrinkles, acne, dryness – these are some of the most common markings of unhealthy and aging skin. Today, probiotics are helping heal these blemishes and are helping to restore the natural glow of the skin without harsh chemicals.  Probiotics, which are live bacteria and yeast, are considered ‘good’ because they keep our guts healthy by ensuring the natural balance within us. In fact, they affect our total wellness, including skin health. Here are four ways in which probiotics affect your skin health. Preventing Wrinkles Eliminating toxins and free radicals helps prevent skin...

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Skin Treatments for Women Over 50

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, more people have had skin cancer than all other cancers combined over the last three decades. And although the majority of people diagnosed with melanoma are men older than 55 years old, it’s still important for women take care of their skin to both protect and beautify their bodies. Here are three skin treatments perfect for preserving your smooth and glowing shell.  Avoid Tanning Beds and Wear Sunscreen While everyone should stay away from tanning beds, anyone over the age of 50 shouldn’t think about lying in one. If you’re still visiting the tanning salon skin for the sake of a darker complexion, consider these statistics. The International Agency for Research on Cancer includes...

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How To Keep Your Skin Microbiome Healthy

Your skin microbiome is a complex, yet completely natural community of microbes and friendly bacteria that host a variety of benefits to your health. While it might sound unhygienic to have millions of bacteria on the surface of your skin, the truth is that these beneficial microorganisms are what help us prevent illness, by keeping other bad bacteria, or pathogens, at bay. So how to do keep your skin, and your skin microbiome healthy? Here are a few simple tips to ensure balance the way nature intended. Antibacterial skin care products While antibacterial hand soaps and gels might seem like a blessing in disguise, they often can have more negative effects than positive on your skin’s microbiome health. While it’s...

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Protecting our skin from the signs of aging

Mother Nature and Father Time catch up to all of us eventually and our bodies start to show the signs of wear and tear known as aging. Our bodies become sorer after an intense work out and for a longer period of time. Our hair becomes thinner. Our skin adjusts over time as well. The fullness and elasticity of youth slowly gives way to coarse, thin skin. Crow’s feet and wrinkles are more present. While certain signs of aging are inevitable, others are easy to overcome. As with other parts of our body, our skin requires a great deal of care and maintenance in order to look and feel its best. Here are a few tips to protect your skin...

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How BioEsse Probiotic Skin Care products are made

BioEsse’s premium line of probiotic skin care solutions is crafted with the utmost care and precision in our facility at Quorum Innovations in Sarasota, Florida. By combining breakthrough technology, the latest in science and research with the captivating aromas of jasmine, frankincense and lavender, BioEsse is a revolutionary anti-aging solution for women and men who want healthy, beautiful skin.  One of the first things you see when you meet someone is their smile – you may also notice the lines around their eyes and the health of their complexion. BioEsse is specially formulated to revitalize the skin in all of these areas.   In the laboratory, our scientists Dr. Eva Berkes and her husband Dr. Nick Monsul cultivate the magical strain of bacteria known to...

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Anti-Aging Success Stories

Since human beings have been aware of time, we have been aware of the fleeting nature of youth and the growing signs of aging that each and every one of us go through.   Aging is an inevitable part of life, however taking extra care of ourselves by maintaining the health of the skin can help us feel as wonderful on the outside as we do on the inside. BioEsse Probiotic Skin Care is a revolutionary anti-aging system that is scientifically proven to balance, smooth, brighten, strengthen and protect the skin against environmental damage and the signs of aging.  BioEsse provides one of the world’s best facial cleansers whose active ingredient is Qi Probiomics; a patent-pending probiotic derived from the human microbiome itself. When used with the...

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How Probiotics Protect your Skin from Damage

A few years ago, probiotics started becoming a buzzword in fitness, health and lifestyle circles. Many began to talk about the myriad of benefits that probiotics, or different types of bacterial cultures, have on human health. You may have heard about how the yogurt industry was one of the first to popularize this and began promoting probiotics in their yogurt products as an important part of our daily diet. BioEsse Probiotic Skin Care is scientifically proven to improve the health and appearance of skin and to restore the healthy glow on our faces by restoring the probiotic balance.  Despite its popularity, the science behind the health benefits of probiotics is actually very deep, and goes back a few decades. Researchers have discovered...

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How to Fight Wrinkles and Age Spots   

Wrinkles and age spots are among some of the first changes we see to our skin as we get older. Everyone’s body is different, some of us develop wrinkles and age spots at different times, and we all seek solutions to correct the appearance of our skin. Here are some tips on how to fight wrinkles and age spots naturally.

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